Monday, August 31, 2009

Hair And Fiber Analysis 5

Types of FIber 5

This is an example of silk as shown under the microscope.

Hair And Fiber Analysis 4

Types of Fiber 4
This is a sample of flax as shown under the microscope.

Hair And Fiber Analysis 3

Types Of Fiber 3
This is a sample of linen as shown under the microscope.

Hair and Fiber Analysis 2

Types of Fiber 2

This is a sample of cotton as shown under the microscope.

Hair And Fiber Analysis 1

Types of Fibers 1

This is a picture of a wool fiber as seen in a microscope.

Handwriting Analysis 4

My Handwriting Analysis

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hand Writing Analyss 3

Indicators Used to Identify Handwriting

What do forensic scientists look for when analysing handwriting?:

*Line Quality
-do the letters flow well or are they written with intent strokes?
*Spacing of words and letters
-What is the average space between words and letters?
*Ratio of Height , Width, and size of letters
-are the letters consistent in height, width, and size?
*Lifting Pen
-Does the author lift his pen to stop writting and start a new word?
*Connecting Strokes
-How are capital letters connected to lower-case letters?
*Strokes to begin and End
-Where does the letter begin and end on a page?
*Unusual letter formation
-are any letters written with unusual slants or angles?
-Are some letters printed rather than written in cursive?
*Pen Pressure
-How much pen pressure is applied on upward and downward strokes?
-Do letters slant to the left or right?
-If a slant is pronounced, a protractor may be used to determine the degree
*Baseline Habits
-Does the author write on the line or does the writting go above or below the line?
*Fancy Writting Habbits
-Are there any unusual curls or loops or unique styles?
*Placement of Diacritics: How does the author cross the t's or do the i's?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hand Writing Analysis 2

Inacuracy in Hand Writing Analysis

Hand writing analysis can be inacurate because of many reasons

-anyone can change their handwriting if they try
-typeing writing
-harder to examine than direct DNA
-Ever enough data to incriminate

Hand Writing Analysis 1

History Of hand writing analysis

-2000 years ago aristotle notice a link between handwriting and personality, as did the chinese around the same time period.
-1622 an Italian phacician and proffessor published a book that analized character through handwriting.
-In the late 1800's, Abbe Michon worte more books about character and handwriting
-Alfred Binet made a test for IQ and helped link it to handwriting traits.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fingerprinting 3

Basic Shapes

basics ones, plus a rarer one.

Fingerprints 2

Types of fingerprints
There are three different types of fingerprints in the study of forensics are latent, direct, and plastic. Latent prints are the prints that are left by the normal finger leaving the shap and ridges with a trail of oil and sweat, these are not visible unless a powder is aplied. Then there are Direct finger prints, theses are rare fingerprints that can be seen because they are left in blood or in some visible substance. Then last there is plastic fingerprints, plastic fingerprints are fingerpirnts left in a pliable surface like clay, wax, or "Plastic"; these finger prints are easily seen and can be molded in some cases by plaster.

Finger printing 1

Fingerprints have been found as early as the babylonians on clay pots and other artifacts. After that they have continued showing up everywhere in history. They were used in business contracts for eighth century China, required on all docuument in 14th century persia documents. Also in 1686 and 1823 scientists started to study fingerprints and there patterns. In 1879 a frenchmen named Alphonse Bertillon found that every one has different proportions of there body. Most importanly in india in 1901 Sir Edward Richard henrya fingerpirnt identification system that started and revolutionized fornesics. In the united states in 1904 fingerprinting became the main form of identification and to this day it is used to catch criminals and give tehm what they deserve.

Forensic Science

Forensic Science is the study of scientific tests or techniques used in the investigation of crimes. Some ways in forensics to identify a criminal from a crim scene you can use one of these three things, fingerprinting, DNA tests, and writing anlysis. In this blogn I will tell you about these methods and tell you how to do them.