Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hand Writing Analyss 3

Indicators Used to Identify Handwriting

What do forensic scientists look for when analysing handwriting?:

*Line Quality
-do the letters flow well or are they written with intent strokes?
*Spacing of words and letters
-What is the average space between words and letters?
*Ratio of Height , Width, and size of letters
-are the letters consistent in height, width, and size?
*Lifting Pen
-Does the author lift his pen to stop writting and start a new word?
*Connecting Strokes
-How are capital letters connected to lower-case letters?
*Strokes to begin and End
-Where does the letter begin and end on a page?
*Unusual letter formation
-are any letters written with unusual slants or angles?
-Are some letters printed rather than written in cursive?
*Pen Pressure
-How much pen pressure is applied on upward and downward strokes?
-Do letters slant to the left or right?
-If a slant is pronounced, a protractor may be used to determine the degree
*Baseline Habits
-Does the author write on the line or does the writting go above or below the line?
*Fancy Writting Habbits
-Are there any unusual curls or loops or unique styles?
*Placement of Diacritics: How does the author cross the t's or do the i's?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not kissing up, im sounding professional saying Professor.
