Monday, August 24, 2009

Finger printing 1

Fingerprints have been found as early as the babylonians on clay pots and other artifacts. After that they have continued showing up everywhere in history. They were used in business contracts for eighth century China, required on all docuument in 14th century persia documents. Also in 1686 and 1823 scientists started to study fingerprints and there patterns. In 1879 a frenchmen named Alphonse Bertillon found that every one has different proportions of there body. Most importanly in india in 1901 Sir Edward Richard henrya fingerpirnt identification system that started and revolutionized fornesics. In the united states in 1904 fingerprinting became the main form of identification and to this day it is used to catch criminals and give tehm what they deserve.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good. Good Information. I love all the pictures you put on it. Good Job. keep it up!
